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St Mary’s College for Hearing Impaired Students
10 Riddell Road   WANTIRNA SOUTH   3152
Telephone: 9800 2733
Fax: 9887 2737
Email: principal@smdeafws.catholic.edu.au
Website: www.smdeafws.catholic.edu.au
Contact: The Principal[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]

St Mary’s College for Hearing Impaired Students – Primary



St Mary’s College for Hearing Impaired Students is a registered special school. We are a Catholic educational community for students in Prep to Year 12 who have a significant hearing loss. We follow the charism of the Dominican tradition and we welcome students from all faith traditions. At St Mary’s we focus on student wellbeing, learning, language, and skills to interact with others to develop confidence. St Mary’s operates four campuses within and alongside four partner schools.

Our students have the best of both worlds with the opportunity to learn alongside their hearing peers while being supported by specialist Teachers of the Deaf. Inclusion of students is monitored and programs are determined by the needs of individual students. St Mary’s staff advocate for students and work closely with staff in our partner schools to meet our students’ specific needs. Individual Learning Plans contain goals relating to language, listening and speech production as well as curriculum and personal and interpersonal goals as required. We work closely with parents. Our aim, consistent with gospel teachings, is to develop in students the values, attitudes and skills required to participate independently as confident responsible members of society.

Support services are available from Australian Hearing through regular visits and there is liaison with the Cochlear Implant Clinic. A counsellor experienced with deaf students is available for individual work with students and families.

The Primary Campus is situated on the same grounds as Holy Trinity Primary School, 10 Riddell Road, Wantirna South. Students attend classes at both St Mary’s College and Holy Trinity where they are supported by Teachers of the Deaf. Individual language, listening and speech production sessions in conjunction with a focus on personal and interpersonal learning are an integral part of the St Mary’s program.

The Prep –Year 12 Campus is situated within Marymede Catholic College, 60 Williamsons Road, South Morang. Students are supported in class by Teachers of the Deaf and also attend withdrawal sessions in St Mary’s rooms to cater for their individual needs.

Secondary Campus (l) is situated within St. John’s Regional College, Caroline Street, Dandenong. Students are supported by Teachers of the Deaf within classes at St John’s. They also attend individual and/or small group sessions to cater for their individual needs.

Secondary Campus (2) is situated within Aquinas College, Thomas Street, Ringwood. Teachers of the Deaf provide in class, individual and/or small group teaching and support for students at all levels.

To organise a tour of any of St Mary’s campuses or to meet to discuss the programs St Mary’s provides contact the Principal on 9800 2733.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]