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Park School for Deaf Children
Cnr Furlong Road & Cooke Avenue   SUNSHINE NORTH   3020
Telephone: 9312 3244
Fax: 9312 6685
Email: furlong.park.ds@edumail.vic.gov.au
Contact: The Principal[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]

Furlong Park School for Deaf Children

Furlong Park School for Deaf Children is a Victorian Government co-educational school providing educational programs for children with a permanent, bilateral sensorineural hearing loss for students from the Northern and Western regions of metropolitan Melbourne and the rural fringe.

We are in Sunshine North just near the Metropolitan Ring Road and provide programs for children aged from 3 plus years in the Early Learning Centre up to the completion of Year 6 in the school. Our current enrolment is 70 and this has been stable over a number of years. Most children travel to the school by buses provided through DET.

We provide specialised programs in our Early Learning Centre which follow the principles of Early Childhood Education. Our school program is based on the approved Victorian curricula which also includes the Victorian Early Years Developmental Framework and Working Towards Level 1. Every child attending Furlong Park has an Individual Learning Plan developed by teachers and parents in partnership, and informed by assessment through the ABLES (Abilities Based Education and Learning Support) to identify student strengths and needs and to plan for incremental development.

We recognise and value diversity and individual differences in cognitive, emotional, social and educational growth, gender, culture, background and lifestyle, and aspire to provide a bi-lingual (Auslan and Spoken English) and bi-cultural program that offers exposure to the language, cultures, values and attributes of both Deaf and Hearing communities.

Staffing at Furlong Park consists of specialist Teachers of the Deaf, Auslan and spoken English Educational Support staff and speech therapists, who work closely together to develop the educational outcomes and language and communication skills of each child.

We place a strong emphasis on Language, Communication, Literacy and Numeracy through the teaching and learning of: English, Mathematics, Health and Physical Education, Information Communication Technology, Interpersonal Development, Personal Learning, Language Other Than English-AUSLAN, The Arts-Music and Art, Integrated Studies-History, Science, Geography, Design, Creativity and Technology, Health and Physical Education and Civics and Citizenship.

The School actively implements school-wide Positive Behaviour Support which positively re-enforces our four (4) school values:  I am a Learner, I am Safe, I am Responsible and I Care for Others.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]