Sunshine College Deaf Facility

Who are we?

Sunshine College Deaf Facility is located at 25A Lachlan Road, Sunshine West. In 2020 the school relocated to a new purpose-built facility. Sunshine College caters for the needs of Deaf and Hearing-Impaired students in the Western Region. The Facility provides an educational setting that presents the advantages of a Deaf school with those of a mainstream school as demonstrated by the achievements of our students.

About our program

The Deaf Facility assigns a Teacher of the Deaf to each year level and these staff are available to the students to provide academic assistance, timetabled study sessions to clarify or assist student understand the work requirements. During mainstream classes the Auslan Interpreter or Teacher of the Deaf will write down notes that the student will have access to after class to ensure that no information has been missed.

Liaising with the mainstream teachers the Deaf Facility staff ensure that the individual needs of the students are met.

Services we offer

Services and supports include, but are not limited to:

  • Facility Staff working in partnership with mainstream staff to ensure the specific needs of all Deaf Students are met, including ongoing Professional Development, preparation of language for modified texts, etc.
  • High commitment and dedication to providing programs tailored to the individual needs of all Deaf students.
  • Qualified teachers of the Deaf and Interpreters on site full-time.
  • Experienced Teachers of the Deaf who liaise with mainstream teachers in all aspects of curriculum to modify curriculum where necessary, including project work requirements and exams.
  • Using both Auslan and Oral Aural methods of Communication to deliver quality outcomes.
  • All Deaf students participating in the literacy program as part of Sunshine College’s commitment to improving Benchmarks in Literacy, resulting in outstanding student growth levels.
  • A specifically designed, purpose built deaf facility area within the school with facilities including designed home base area in the school. Within the Facility we have computers, audio-visual equipment, support materials and staff to assist students with student learning.
  • Students having weekly Deaf Facility time to work with a Teacher of the Deaf to ensure they have understood concepts taught in mainstream classes and to complete all work requirements.
  • Students participating in all mainstream classes, supported by Deaf Facility staff to participate in lunchtime activities, after school events and major school performances.
  • Connections with the Deaf community and Deaf organisations to offer the best possible extra curricula activities for Deaf students.
  • Working in partnership with other Deaf Facilities/Deaf Schools arranging activities and events that maximise opportunities to socialise.
  • Services provided by Australian Hearing to regularly monitor hearing aids and hearing devices.
  • Regular liaison with families regarding all aspects of their child’s education and forward planning to provide a suitable pathway into further education and training or work.
  • In 2022 Sunshine College will begin an Auslan LOTE program in Years 9 and 10. This is an exciting direction for the College.
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