Guthrie Street Primary School (Shepparton) Deaf Facility

Who are we?

The Deaf Facility has established common learning goals in the areas of Speech and Audition, Auslan, Reading and Writing through Auslan, Language and Communication and Deaf Studies. These goals are achieved in conjunction with the Victorian Curriculum learning goals.

Each student’s social and emotional intelligence is fostered through a variety of targeted activities. Students are also supported to develop a positive identity through the Deaf Studies program.

Each year where possible students participate in an activity that allows them to meet and interact with their Deaf peers from different areas within Victoria.

About our program

Support is provided by qualified teachers of the Deaf, classroom teachers, Auslan/English interpreters and where possible Deaf or Hard of Hearing adults; giving the best possible access to mainstream education. Each student has an Individual Learning plan which is developed in conjunction with parents through Student Support Group meetings. Every child and classroom teacher at Guthrie Street Primary School learns sign language through the Auslan Languages program. These weekly sessions allow everyone within the school to develop an awareness of Deaf culture and sign language. Students’ language and communication skills are developed through a bilingual model. Students learn English and Auslan and compare the two languages to develop a deeper understanding of both languages.

Services we offer

  • Individual work with students
  • Small group work
  • Daily literacy and numeracy activities
  • Onsite visits from Speech Pathologists and OT
  • Weekly Deaf studies with whole of Deaf Facility
  • Interpreters in classrooms
  • Teachers of the Deaf in classrooms and for withdrawal sessions
  • Whole school learns Auslan and Deaf Awareness
  • Excursions to Deaf events such as Deaf Sports
  • Deaf Role models where possible
  • Visits from Hearing Australia
  • Deaf or Hard of Hearing guest speakers
  • Termly SSG’s
  • Support on school camps and excursions
Contact Details